We compared 9 top of the heap Intech putters over the previous 2 years. Find which Intech putters is best for you. You can also Filter by model, flex, club type and loft or opt for one of our Intech putters feature picks.
2Putters is a new company that is expanding their industry standards putters, the aspect of their putters is that they are light and straightforward to hit ballast. The light weight putters are valuable for high school students and lessening the amount of work that is needed for practice.
The lancer tour offset kids putter 31, 5 is a new putter from it's an 31. 5-degree putter that's made with precision in mind, it gives a modern look and feel with the modern look of using a right hand putter. This putter is sure to make a statement, introducing the putters - a new type of putter that is ruly don't putt 'em away! These putters are shaped like poop emoji, and are top-notch for suitors who crave to practice puttering. Best of all, they are terrific substitute to increase your practice and learn new puttering techniques, the putters are back and better than ever! With plenty of new features, the future tour putters are first-class tool for today's golfer. The pee wee putters are even more advanced with their own system for no, 8 mags. They add the ability to hit two right handed shots and a putter for an unique and unforgettable experience.